
Svetlana Arutyunyan, 27 years old

Unfortunately, I couldn't take much from our house, because when the fighting began, I went to the village, then returned to Martuni. By profession, I am a doctor, and together with the Red Cross, we transported the wounded. I didn't think that this evacuation would be the last and that I wouldn't be able to return home. I only managed to perform my medical duties. I only took the key to my office in Stepanakert, hoping that we would return back.


Svetlana Arutyunyan, 27 years old

Unfortunately, I couldn't take much from our house, because when the fighting began, I went to the village, then returned to Martuni. By profession, I am a doctor, and together with the Red Cross, we transported the wounded. I didn't think that this evacuation would be the last and that I wouldn't be able to return home. I only managed to perform my medical duties. I only took the key to my office in Stepanakert, hoping that we would return back.